
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2018

My favourite project

I´m going to talk about my favourite project that I did the last semester. I was in Taller Saavedra and we did a lot of works. First we started with abtract models, and this consisted on go to different places to analize them and extract a concept, then we had to do a model inpirated on the concept. The most difficult part of the last semester was the months before the strike, because all the class had bad marks and all my classmates were scary. During the stike we continued working, we didn´t rest, because the last projects had a lot of percentage, so we decided to take advantache of the big period of time that we got to progress our ideas. The project that we were doing when the stike started consisted on make a house for one character. We had a lot of options like the painter, the cooker, the dancer, the mad, the addict, etc. The teacher gave us the character and we could exchange it. My character was a magician and I had to search information about the personality of this kind o

A job

Well I´m not sure about what´s the job that I would get in the future, because first, I have to finish this career and later I have to choose among the varied roles that the architects accomplish in the society. In the class of fundaments of the architecture, the teacher invited architects that make different functions and works. One of them works compiling information about national monuments, and she approves the remodeling of buildings that have a lot of history, but are in bad conditions. The other woman does artistic interventions in different places, she likes to act and she combines the architecture with the drama. The only man that was there is a landscapist who graduated of this university, and he related us, that he sent an e-mail to different architects offices around the world and one of them in Australia answered that he can work there, he said that he fell in love with that country. I think that I have to search more information about the works that I can get in the fut

Being green

A topic that is very relevant today, is the care of the environment. Well I   don´t do much for the nature, but when I remember it I try to keep the switches off the largest time possible or when I´m washing the plates I try to don´t waste the water. Today exist to many ONG’s that take the protect of the nature too seriously like Green peace, which is one of the most famous and also one of the most daring organization, because the people, who are implacate with it, go to dangerous missions, like go into the middle of the ocean to sabotage the whales hunters. I really admire the work and the sacrifice of this persons, because they make changes, and they don´t wait, they just go and save the live of different species, without matter which is. One of the things that worry me is the extinction of thousands of animals and plants, to many animals are desappearing every day and the numbers of species are decreasing. If you want to know more about that you can search for the Red List

A really important book for me

Today I' m going to write about book that help me too much in this career. The last semester I didn't know anything about architecture and I decided to search for books that could help me to learn more. The teacher gave us to many bibliography to read and one book that I still using is the book of Francis D. K. Ching called Manual De Dibujo Arquitectónico, this book helps me so much, because it's has to many draws and is to easy understand how to repeat the technique. I really like this book because the sketches  are perfect, it has a lot of topics, from technique things like how to do cuts, elevations, location plans, textures, etc. even how to do better sketches teaching techniques to do different types of shadows, of textures and the proportions of the human body. Thanks to this book I can express better my projects because all the ideas has to be explain with draws and diagrams, and is something that you don't learn at the school, it´s a skill that you have to devel