A job

Well I´m not sure about what´s the job that I would get in the future, because first, I have to finish this career and later I have to choose among the varied roles that the architects accomplish in the society. In the class of fundaments of the architecture, the teacher invited architects that make different functions and works. One of them works compiling information about national monuments, and she approves the remodeling of buildings that have a lot of history, but are in bad conditions. The other woman does artistic interventions in different places, she likes to act and she combines the architecture with the drama. The only man that was there is a landscapist who graduated of this university, and he related us, that he sent an e-mail to different architects offices around the world and one of them in Australia answered that he can work there, he said that he fell in love with that country. I think that I have to search more information about the works that I can get in the future, because I’m sure that exist to many labor fields that I don´t know, but I find really interesting have to work protecting or identifying places that are important for the history and the culture of Chile. In this country, people don´t have too much consciousness about the care of old buildings and I think we have to change that; we have to appreciate it better and we have to stop the persons who damage our buildings. 

Resultado de imagen para architect gif


  1. the cool thing about architecture is that is not only about buildings! you can explore in all faces of design too

  2. I thing that you do not need to finish this career to know what you want to do, you only need know why you enjoy to do.


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