Being green

A topic that is very relevant today, is the care of the environment. Well I don´t do much for the nature, but when I remember it I try to keep the switches off the largest time possible or when I´m washing the plates I try to don´t waste the water. Today exist to many ONG’s that take the protect of the nature too seriously like Green peace, which is one of the most famous and also one of the most daring organization, because the people, who are implacate with it, go to dangerous missions, like go into the middle of the ocean to sabotage the whales hunters. I really admire the work and the sacrifice of this persons, because they make changes, and they don´t wait, they just go and save the live of different species, without matter which is. One of the things that worry me is the extinction of thousands of animals and plants, to many animals are desappearing every day and the numbers of species are decreasing. If you want to know more about that you can search for the Red List of the UICN on internet and there you will find all the species that are in danger of extinction, there are separate in different categories. This situation makes me think a lot and a I feel a little scary about what is gonna happend in the future, but I believe in the humanity and the evolution of the tecnology, and i think we will solved this problem.


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