
Hi! today I’m gonna talk about my experiences on Halloween…. Every year since I was eight years old I go out of my house to collect candies, but now I have to go with my brother that is three years old. When I was a kid I always went around my neigborhood with my cousins saying ¡treat or trick! to all my neighbors, and after we compared to see who had more candies. In the actuallity I go to parties with my friends and we always choose funny costumes, one time I went with to friends to a party with costumes, and when we arrived we saw that nobody had costume, the most funny thing was that one of my friends was disguised of monkey, and she didn´t carry clothes to change it. This year I don´t get a costume because I’m going to travel to Quillota In Halloween night, maybe one of my friends will do a party but I´m not sure, I hope that my parents have bought candies for the other kids, to take some for my haha. Sometimes I miss be a kid beacuse this period is so funny but now I don’t have too many free time.


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