
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2018


Hi! today I’m gonna talk about my experiences on Halloween…. Every year since I was eight years old I go out of my house to collect candies, but now I have to go with my brother that is three years old. When I was a kid I always went around my neigborhood with my cousins saying ¡treat or trick! to all my neighbors, and after we compared to see who had more candies. In the actuallity I go to parties with my friends and we always choose funny costumes, one time I went with to friends to a party with costumes, and when we arrived we saw that nobody had costume, the most funny thing was that one of my friends was disguised of monkey, and she didn´t carry clothes to change it. This year I don´t get a costume because I’m going to travel to Quillota In Halloween night, maybe one of my friends will do a party but I´m not sure, I hope that my parents have bought candies for the other kids, to take some for my haha. Sometimes I miss be a kid beacuse this period is so funny but now I don’t have

My favorite subject

When I was at the school I liked Biology and I took the elective that was related with it in the 3th grade of secundary. I had eight hours at the week of this subject and the teacher gives us to many homerworks like essays and once at month we have dissertations in groups or pairs, the most difficult was one in that we had to do the class, were 45 minutes talking about the extinction and it was so difficult. I think this elective prepares me so good for the PSU because the work in class was constant. The teacher was strict with us, I remember the first class that I had whit him and he asked us if we liked biology, and we said yes, to this he said that with him we were gonna hate the subject. I liked the subject because I think that is so interesting to know how all the nature work, and how our bodies are design. Some of the topics were the nervous system, the DNA, the teory of evolution, the genetically modified aliments, the inmunological system, etc. The teacher was so terrifying at

My best friend

I met my bestfriend when I was ten years old, we do all together except homeworks. We have a lot of things in common and I can tell her everything, she is very good kepping secrets. During the school we played in the volleyball team for four years and because of that we spend a lot of time talking and doing whatever. I remember a tournament in Santiago where we stayed together in the house of a kid who lived there for one week, it was so fun, we are like a new family. Now we still in contact, because she lives in Santiago too, and she stayed in my apartment once at month, and we talk all the days especially when one of us has a problem, she always gives me good advices when I'm sad or frustated. She is studying gastronomy and she always gives me food when I visit her, she is so talented because the plates that she makes are delicious. She is very good talking english, when we were kids she really liked to talk doing a weird mix of spanish and english. When we travel to our city I t

Fiestas Patrias

On national holiday I traveled to Quillota, I had two weeks to rest and visit my family, I hadn´t gone to my house in a lot of time because I was too busy. Before of take the bus to Quillota, I was walking by the sidewalk and I took out my cell phone to see if I was late, when two persons in a motorcycle stole it, and I missed the bus because I had to call my parents to block the cell phone, thanks to a stranger who lend me his cell phone I could contact them. As consequence of this I couldn’t rest the first week, but the second week I went to Fondas with my friends of the school all the days. In my home my mom gave me all the things that I can´t eat in Santiago, I really missed the food of my home during the semester, and for this I decided to eat a lot of things like empanadas, anticuchos and meat, and drink terremotos and motes con huesillo. One of the days I helped a friend to organize a barbeque with all us school friends, we thought that it wouldn´t result, but too many people

Hello friends

Hello my Name is Magdalena Mancilla and I'am architecture student. I have some hobbies like play volleyball, play instruments, draw and take pictures. I like to much what I am studying because this career incorporate skills that I want to develop. Before of enter to the university I was a very sporty person, but now I don´t have to many time to do some exercise, however I have to walk to much to different places like museums, art galleries, national monuments and crowned places, this is my favourite part of  study architecture, meet new places and new types of people. This is my first year and I hope that all go on well.